Mold Remediation


Mold growth in American homes is reaching epidemic proportions. Energy-efficient home construction methods have actually caused a decline in indoor air quality, leading to conditions that support the spread of mold. Mold can also be a dangerous by-product of flooding or excessive moisture in a home or business.

Often when mold and toxins enter a building, they will damage the structure as well as causing unsightly stains and odors. Mildew and mold can rot the framing around windows and doors, or creep into porous surfaces of concrete, wood, insulation or carpet and fabrics – which often require a complete replacement.

If any of these are occurring in your home or business, you may have a mold problem:

  • Musty Odors
  • Black or Green Stains on Floors, Walls or Ceilings
  • Damp or Wet Spots on Floors, Walls or Ceilings
  • Lifting Floor Tiles
  • Warped or Discolored Paneling
  • Blistered or Flaking Paint
  • Cracks on Walls and/or Floors
  • Water Intrusion after Heavy Rains
  • Frequent Allergies, Headaches, Sinusitis, or Colds

Mold Removal & Remediation
At D&L Janitorial, we will not only completely and thoroughly remove the molds and toxins; we can also repair the damage they caused. Our fully licensed and insured Michigan mold remediation technicians provide the following services:


Mold Inspection

The purpose of a mold inspection is to locate potential mold infestations, determine the cause, and provide information for an effective remediation (removal) plan. A mold inspection is a visual inspection of a property for mold and conditions that may cause mold. Our certified Michigan mold remediation specialists will inspect for visual mold or mold indicators in the attic, bathrooms, basement and crawl spaces. The inspection may also include moisture readings of construction materials, including exterior walls, interior walls, floors, cabinets, shower enclosures and concrete slabs. D&L Janitorial uses state-of-the-art technology to detect excessive moisture in construction materials, the primary cause of indoor mold problems.


Mold Testing

If mold is detected we will recommend a mold test or mold remediation.  Mold testing is the actual collecting of samples for laboratory analysis. The purpose of mold testing is to identify what (if any) types of molds are present on surfaces, in the air, and in hidden areas such as wall cavities, attics, or crawl spaces. Laboratory technicians examine each sample for common and toxic molds and other allergens and particulates.  Identification and quantification produces useful data when determining proper remediation procedures as well as the seriousness of potential health risks.



Mold remediation occurs when inspection and testing indicates the presence of potentially dangerous amounts of mold contaminants at a property. Contaminated areas are isolated from other areas of the property so that there is no cross-contamination. Specialized equipment, tools and personnel are used to decontaminate affected areas and apply processes to prevent future growth. For mold remediation, business and home owners trust the work of the D&L Janitorial team!

Clearance Testing

A clearance test is performed after the mold remediation work has been completed in order to ensure that the remediation was successful and mold is no longer a problem. Clearance testing results are compared to results taken from the initial inspection.


A comprehensive report is produced after every inspection, including visual conclusions and equipment readings, as well as the laboratory results of samples taken at the time of the inspection.


All of our mold removal and cleaning processes meet state and local building codes. We have a mold removal solution to fit your needs and budget!